El departamento de Industrias adhirió formalmente al programa junto a otras más de 40 entidades
El Ministerio de Agroindustria de la Nación, a través del secretario de Agregado de Valor, Néstor Roulet, firmó hoy junto a representantes de más de 40 entidades, cámaras e instituciones Cartas de Adhesión al Programa Nacional de Reducción de Pérdida y Desperdicio de Alimentos.
Las mismas tienen por objeto formalizar la articulación y el compromiso institucional de las entidades a fin de contribuir a la atención de esta problemática y la construcción de sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles.
Asimismo, en este marco quedó conformada la Red Nacional de Reducción de Pérdida y Desperdicio de Alimentos y se presentó un proyecto de Ley para declarar el 29 de septiembre como Día Nacional de Reducción de Pérdida y Desperdicio de Alimentos.
El Programa
El Programa Nacional de Reducción de Pérdida y Desperdicio de Alimentos se creó mediante la Resolución Ministerial N° 392/2015. El objetivo central del mismo es coordinar, proponer e implementar políticas públicas, en consenso y con la participación de representantes del sector público y privado, sociedad civil y organismos internacionales, que atiendan las causas y los efectos de la pérdida y el desperdicio de alimentos.
Se encuentra estructurado en tres ejes: Gobernanza y Alianzas; Investigación, Tecnología y Conocimiento; e Información y Comunicación.
Noticia firma del convenio
Ministerio de Agroindustria – Alimentos argentinos- Convenio
Entidades firmantes de las primeras cartas de adhesión al Programa
- Asociación de Cocineros y Empresarios Ligados a la Gastronomía (ACELGA)
- Asociación de Proveedores de la Industria de la Alimentación (ADEPIA)
- Asociación Consumidores Libres
- Asociación Culinaria con Identidad Regional Argentina
- Asociación de Supermercados Unidos (ASU)
- Agencia Santafesina de Seguridad Alimentaria (ASSAL)
- Administración Nacional de Medicamentos, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica – Instituto Nacional de Alimentos (ANMAT-INAL)
- Aramark
- Supermercados Carrefour
- Bolsa de Cereales de Buenos Aires
- Cámara Argentina de la Industria de Chacinados y Afines (CAICHA)
- Cámara Argentina de Supermercados
- Cámara de la Producción, la Industria y el Comercio Argentinos China
- Confederación Argentina de la Mediana Empresa (CAME)
- Cámara de Productos Empresas Procesadoras Avícolas (CEPA)
- Red seguridad alimentaria – CONICET
- Red Argentina de Bancos de Alimentos
- Solidagro Asociación Civil
- Coordinadora de las Industrias de Productos Alimenticios (COPAL)
- Federación Nacional de Operadores de Mercados Frutihortícolas de la República Argentina (FENAOMFRA)
- Departamento Instituciones, Organizaciones y Estrategia. Programa de Agronegocios y Alimentos (PAA-FAUBA)
- Departamento de Industrias, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales (UBA)
- Foro de la Alimentación, la Nutrición y la Salud, (FANUS)
- Federación Empresaria Hotelera Gastronómica de la República Argentina (FEHGRA)
- Fundación Horticultura Argentina Sustentable
- Instituto Argentino del Envase (IAE)
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial (INTI)
- Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA)
- Servicio de Sanidad y Calidad Agroalimentaria (SENASA)
- Unidad para el Cambio Rural (UCAR)
- Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca de la Provincia de Río Negro
- Ministerio de Agroindustria de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
- Ministerio de Ambiente y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Nación
- Ministerio de Ambiente y Espacio Público del GCBA
- Subsecretaría de Comercio Interior de la Nación
- Escuela de Nutrición – UBA
- Unión de Industriales Fideeros de la República Argentina (UIFRA)
- Universidad Isalud
- Universidad de Tres de Febrero
- Universidad Maimónides
- Cámara Argentina de Shoppings Centers
- Diego Sívori, nutricionista
Just after the official statement of the United States security service, several http://www.itcertlearn.com major hacking organizations in the United States all withdrew the statement condemning the Black Wings and replaced it with a statement protesting the statement of the United States security service. Even the red guest organizations that have always stood by the U.S. government have begun to waver at this time. Chen Ye looked red in his hand and it turned out to be so embarrassing. Why did you make such a joke? Now I must throw the box away. It was a pity that the school fired Zhang Jian completely in order to calm down the matter. Even Xuefeng had been punished, but Zhang Jianhao took Xuefeng as his brother from now on. Li Xiufeng quickly revealed Yu Xues attempt. Because it was not his own place, he had to spend money to hire a private detective to track Yu 70-483 Exam Compass Xue. When he encountered some small companies, he threatened to intimidate slightly larger companies. 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Xuefeng replied very simply, and then got to Chen Bings ear and smiled mysteriously: And I accidentally got a good thing. No, I didnt come to see Xiaoxue today. The past thing doesnt mention that Silver Butterfly will pay a price sooner or later. Xuefeng switched the topic. What is the situation of Certification the project you are talking about? If it is appropriate, I will take the recent online games business. I am considering a career change. . But I can declare in advance that I will be charged for the project, but it will never be free like this time. Xuefeng said that she exam passing score couldnt help raising her voice, she looked right and looked straight at Chen Yes tricks. After finishing talking, he looked at the two sides and walked over and handed an agreement to Han Junyi and Xuefeng. The situation is like this. Now both parties have a detailed agreement. What is unclear? You can ask me if I do nt need anything. The additional ones can be signed. Ge Wanghan is the chairman of our school computer association. Last years hacker war, Wang Han also hacked the White House website in the United States. What? Yu Xue shifted her eyes from the apple on her hand to Xuefengs face. Hehe, your kid is worth billions, and he is worried. I can hear others say that it is to check the money to Pass Bar Exam do real estate in Qiongshi. Sure enough, Chen Bing and they soon found each others backups are two cruisers. They should Exam Q&As be responsible for coping with e2p. Unfortunately, at this time they lost contact with e2p. This unexpected 700-037 Certification Exam Dumps appearance made Chen Bing a little happy, and even said a few OK and said, Who is the right person for this cloth program. Has been attacked … has been attacked … Klin smiled a bit bitterly. The old-fashioned firewall will only tell you how it was attacked. As for how the attacker attacked, where did it go, and what harm ICBB 100% Pass Exam can it cause? It doesnt know everything. Others scan it to indicate that they have been attacked. If someone else has already obtained the system, it still prompts which one is attacked. Relax! I can let you buy these things and you can use them. Xuefeng said and squeezed Chen Chens desk and whispered, Can you tell me I just came in just now? Did you think about it. Xuefeng was helpless: Auntie, I didnt mean it, you didnt understand what I meant. Xuefeng continued, Im not helping them to invest in Ouyang Fei. There will definitely be many people rushing to invest. Mainly. It was Xiaoxues idea and she was very concerned about this matter. During this time, she also did a detailed market survey and found out that she really wanted to do it well. Exams Online So I think you You should go to Ouyang Fei to invest before other people dont know about it. The fact that you do nt invest is actually secondary. You have to make a full support for Yu Xue. She was hesitant before going to Ouyang Fei to work. 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